Our parish

+ Peace in Christ,

Whether you have just moved here to join our parish or are just visiting for a while or are returning to your faith as Catholic, on behalf of our staff and all of the parishioners of our parish, I personally want to welcome you to Mary Mother of the Church Parish, Macquarie Fields.

We are a multicultural parish, I define myself as multicultural because I was born in Korea, lived a couple of years in Ghana and ministered our first Australians, the indigenous sisters and brothers at Santa Teresa in Central Australia, and now I am here.

According to the recent survey, there were 160 responses from ages 15+, 23% of the respondents were born in Australia while 77 % of them were born overseas and 64% of the respondents spoke a language other than English at home. Yet, the multicultural aspect allows the parish to focus on the value and giftedness of the people that come to share in one faith.

In this given circumstance, the different cultures bring the parish community together and make it more interesting and enriching as they actively participate in the various ministries of the parish and its multicultural events.

Each of us has received great gifts from God and the gifts which His primary intention for us to use to help build His kingdom here on earth as well as ‘to be a light unto the World.’  There are many opportunities to use the gifts God has given you to serve Him and His Church at Mary, Mother of the Church. 

Please check out regularly our website and parish bulletin to see where God may be calling you to take part in His mission.  I look forward to getting to know you personally in the weeks and months ahead. May God bless you and your family.  

Sincerely yours in Christ, 

Fr John Bosco Sang Bok Son SVD
Parish Priest