Congratulations on your forthcoming wedding! This is a wonderful and exciting time for not only the couple but the whole family. 

Marriage in the Catholic tradition is a covenant – a sacred vow that, like God’s promise of love to us, can never be broken. From the beginning, God created man and woman to be joined as a sign of His love both to each other and to the world.

In the Catholic Church, Marriage is one of seven Sacraments – a sacred sign that presents to the world a deeper spiritual reality. A man and woman in marriage reveal the full, free, faithful and fruitful love that Jesus Christ has for each of us.

The Wedding Process

Couples are asked to give at least six months’ notice to the officiating priest. One months’ notice is obligatory by law, but the longer notice requested here allows for calm and serious preparation for marriage.

Couples meet with the priest beforehand to discuss their upcoming marriage and any preparation needed for it. All couples are required to attend a marriage preparation course. CatholicCare offers courses for couples considering marriage. E :

 If you require more information contact the Parish Office and book an appointment to see our priest.